Friday 16 May 2014

It's Not About Being Plain, It's About Making Your Life Your Own...

Welcome to Life's Ups and Downs! Come on in, grab yourself a cup of tea, a slice of cake and let's have a natter! I've created this blog because, personally, I've had enough of looking at loads of websites to find answers to life problems, or a general place that anyone can ask a questions without being criticized, looked down on, etc. 

 I want to create a positive environment where anyone can ask questions and they can be answered when the answers are needed, when YOU need them. As well as creating a blog that focuses on the good things in life as well as the bad. We all need support, and although you might think "well, why would I turn to a blog for support?" Well sometimes we need a neutral opinion on matters, matters of the heart, of life, love, friendships, food, pets, what to do with your hair?! The possibilities are endless!

 I want this blog to be a relaxed place to come to, a place where you can spend a while, maybe in your tea break, on the way home from work, to have a read and a natter, be relaxed and just take some time for yourself. 

So here you are, a place where we can deal with Life's Ups and Downs.